56 research outputs found

    Crònica d'un projecte d'educació plurilingüe : un estudi de cas

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    Els programes d'aprenentatge integrat de continguts i llengua (AICLE) estan guanyant terreny i nombrosos estudis els propugnen com els entorns més adequats per a l'aprenentatge de segones llengües a través de les àrees curriculars no etiquetades com a "de llengua". Aquest article presenta la crònica documentada del desenvolupament d'un programa experimental AICLE que forma part d'un projecte d'investigació longitudinal, l'objectiu del qual és explorar des d'una perspectiva sociocultural el programa AICLE d'un centre de secundària de Barcelona, així com algunes de les opcions metodològiques adoptades pels docents per superar les dificultats que s'afegeixen quan es fa servir una llengua estrangera a l'aula de continguts. L'anàlisi de les dades provinents d'enregistraments de vídeo de l'aula, complementada amb el diari de camp del professor en el rol d'investigador en l'acció, a més d'entrevistes i grups de discussió amb els estudiants, mostra l'ús que aquests fan del complex dispositiu pedagògic que se'ls presenta per mitjà de les tasques i materials dissenyats ad hoc pel professorat que treballa en col·laboraci

    TS-MUWSN: Time synchronization for mobile underwater sensor networks

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    Time synchronization is an important, yet challenging, problem in underwater sensor networks (UWSNs). This challenge can be attributed to: 1) messaging timestamping; 2) node mobility; and 3) Doppler scale effect. To mitigate these problems, we present an acoustic-based time-synchronization algorithm for UWSN, where we compare several message time-stamping algorithms in addition to different Doppler scale estimators. A synchronization system is based on a bidirectional message exchange between a reference node and a slave one, which has to be synchronized. Therefore, we take as reference the DA-Sync-like protocol (Liu et al., 2014), which takes into account node's movement by using first-order kinematic equations, which refine Doppler scale factor estimation accuracy, and result in better synchronization performance. In our study, we propose to modify both time-stamping and Doppler scale estimation procedures. Besides simulation, we also perform real tests in controlled underwater communication in a water test tank and a shallow-water test in the Mediterranean Sea.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    COBS time synchronization for data adcquisition

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    This work presents a solution to seismometer synchronization with GPS time stamping, in zones without signal, such as the seafloor. Due to the needing of acquire with precision the time when seismological events occur, in order to know magnitude and location of an earthquake.Peer Reviewe

    Low-cost acoustic transmitter for underwater sensor networks

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    Currently, there is a lag in the proliferation of underwater sensors due to the lack of low cost acoustic transmitters. The high cost of acoustic modems and some of their characteristics, make them inappropriate for many scenarios where low power and short range communications are required. This paper presents the design and the details of a low-cost acoustic transmitter for underwater sensors.Peer Reviewe

    Range-only underwater target localization : error characterization

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    Locating a target from range measurements using only one mobile transducer has been increased over the last years. This method allows us to reduce the high costs of deployment and maintenance of traditional fixed systems on the seafloor such as Long Baseline. The range-only single-beacon is one of the new architectures developed using the new capabilities of modern acoustic underwater modems, which can be time synchronization, time stamp, and range measurements. This document presents a method to estimate the sources of error in this type of architecture so as to obtain a mathematical model which allows us to develop simulations and study the best localization algorithms. Different simulations and real field tests have been carried out in order to verify a good performance of the model proposed.Postprint (published version

    Low cost OFDM based transmitter for underwater acoustic communications

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    On this work a low cost OFDM transmitter for underwater sensor networks is presented. The transmitter is based on a low power microcontroller that governs a DDS in order to generate the output data -OFDM symbols- avoiding the IFFT computations. This solution represents a new design perspective for the current UWSN -mainly based on FPGAs or DSPs, allowing to reduce the cost, the power consumption and the size of the current transmitters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    How to avoid gender bias in classroom interaction? A cooperative learning experience

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    This project aims to analyse the kind of questions the teacher asks students in order to encourage them to participate in her classes. Consequently, the researcher has read relevant literature and has analysed a short excerpt of a video recorded during her first practicum. She has also analysed a number of activities carried out during her second practicum in order to find out if she had improved her questioning skills in the classroomAquest treball pretén analitzar el tipus de preguntes que la professora fa als estudiants perquè participin a les seves classes. Per a dur a terme aquesta anàlisi, s'ha llegit literatura rellevant, s'ha analitzat una breu transcripció d'un vídeo gravat durant el primer pràcticum de la professora i s'han analitzat algunes activitats del segon pràcticum per veure si la professora ha millorat en la formulació de les pregunte
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